Worldwide Service Opportunities
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Arkansas-Alaska Missions
DATES: No scheduled trips at this time
COST: approximately $2,000
A relationship based ministry designed to invest in the people of Alaska from the villages of Mentasta, Tanacross, Tetlin, Northway, and Tok. The people in this area suffer from extreme depression, alcoholism, abuse, and high rates of suicide. During the summer months, VBS, bible studies, family night worship, and retreats are held weekly to plant seeds of hope through the love of Jesus.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20 NIV).
• Join the team
• Pray for the teams going
• Financial support is needed for purchasing food and supplies for the people of Alaska during the retreat.

Contact: Kim Green
El Porvenir
DATES: August 2-9, 2025 and August 9-16, 2025
COST: approximately $2,100
Grace will also raise money to fund the work project for the region we will be working in. An update on the locations and projects will be announced once decisions have been made.
- Join a team
- Pray for team members
- Financial support is needed for project costs and other necessities.

Contact: Kathleen Halliburton
Eight Days of Hope
DATES: Rebuild 2025 TBA and Buffalo mid July 2025
COST: Minimal cost for Rebuild opportunities and approximately $250 for Buffalo (two overnight stays on the road, day trip to Niagara Falls)
BUFFALO: For the last several years, EDOH has partnered with a different local district in Buffalo to make home improvements for people in need. This is a family-friendly mission. Small construction projects, painting and yard work will be the scope of work during this week. There will be an optional day to enjoy the sights around Niagara Falls. If you don’t want to drive, we can discuss flight options. There is also an opportunity to extend your stay and experience the Kingdom Bound Christian Festival.
- Join the team
- Pray for team members
- Financial support is needed for team’s travel expenses